After being 2016 the first time for two months on Koh Lanta, I thought that packing this year would be much easier. Well, it wasn’t. Although I took pictures of all the clothes I had with me the previous year, I wanted to start over without “cheating”. Having in mind all the mistakes I made last year, I am still far away from a perfect [...]
Katarzyna Potocka
I went on a 5 day Smoothie Diet journey and here is what I’ve learned while preparing myself for it. There are things you should prepare, things you should be aware of and situations you should be ready to tackle. But I definitely have to mention, that I didn’t undertake this journey because I wanted to loose a lot of weight. I [...]
Whatever you think you’ll need on a 80 day digital nomad trip, believe me when I say: “No, you don’t need all of it”. This at least is true for at least 80 % of the things you have on mind, while making your mental checklist. Check out what packing mistakes for digital nomads we made on our first longterm trip. Maybe you will be able to [...]
Katarzyna Potocka
”Mastery is next to autonomy and purpose one of the three elements that should define the new operating system of Type I behaviour according to the book titled “Drive” by Daniel H. Pink. He defines MASTERY as the desire to get better and better at something that matters. And that, at least for me, seems to make a lot of [...]
Katarzyna Potocka
After not having a clue how much our monthly expenses are for living in Austria, we were even less capable of telling how bis our living costs would be while living on Koh Lanta. And that‘s exactly the reason why we tried to list everything we spent money on during our 2 months trip through Asia. So beneath you will find a detailed [...]
Katarzyna Potocka
A lot of people seem to be haunted by jet lag after some time abroad. This is a situation that you definitely want to avoid. Having had a great holiday, conference or just some travelling around the world you absolutely don’t want to come back home and have to feel like a zombie several days after your arrival. But there is a way how you [...]
Katarzyna Potocka