Geekishgirl — Katarzyna Potocka


Geekishgirl — Katarzyna Potocka


Kindle vs Real Books — Should I Switch?

I have always been a bookworm and I can’t imagine a world without the possibility to lose myself in a fantasy world, while fighting amongst your heroes to save the world from all evil — just one last time. But is it really more convenient to read books on an e-reader like for example Amazon’s Kindle or should you stick to your good all [...]

Katarzyna PotockaKatarzyna Potocka

Werewolf, Shopping & Sunburn

Last weekend we managed to do some cool stuff on Koh Lanta. We played Werewolf with up to 16 KoHubbers and one architect 😉 — the werewolves were definitely the winning team this evening. We also went once again to Saladan to try to get some money — nothing illegal 😉 And we had great 2 hours on the beach — which resulted in a sunburn for [...]

Katarzyna PotockaKatarzyna Potocka