While staying on Koh Lanta for 2 months, we had to make at least one visa run, because of the restriction of being allowed only to stay for 30 days in a row without a visa. So what better place to go for a visa run than Kuala Lumpur aka KL. We planned a 5 day trip so that we would have enough time to get to know Kuala Lumpur from each [...]
Katarzyna Potocka
Last weekend we managed to do some cool stuff on Koh Lanta. We played Werewolf with up to 16 KoHubbers and one architect 😉 — the werewolves were definitely the winning team this evening. We also went once again to Saladan to try to get some money — nothing illegal 😉 And we had great 2 hours on the beach — which resulted in a sunburn for [...]
Katarzyna Potocka
Wir waren gestern beim Damage Unlimited Spieleabend – erstmals danke an die Veranstalter, dass wir diese Möglichkeit bekommen 😉 Nach einem stressigen Kleidersuchespiel für Ania und einem Abstecher zum Mäcki sind wir im DamageUnlimitedSpieleparadies (DUSP) angekommen. Gerwin und einige andere haben schon auf uns gewartet, waren aber [...]
Katarzyna Potocka