Maybe the most beautiful love story I’ve ever heard about. Better than Jane and Mr. Darcy, more frightening than Romeo and Juliet, more emotional than Tarzan and Jane, funnier than Scully and Mulder, …. Paul Nicklen talks about his experience – diving under the Antarctica and exploring the much-feared leopard seal [...]
Katarzyna Potocka
Very interesting talk about “filter bubbles” by Eli Pariser. You definitely should be aware of your filter bubbles, because just like Eli Pariser says, we are not aware of what is in our filter bubbles and we are definitely not aware of what gets edited out! [Eli Pariser] The same Google search of two different persons at the [...]
Katarzyna Potocka
A cool talk about being wrong and why we so frightend off being wrong. Great picture: being wrong feels like being right, until you recognize that you’re wrong. Just like the coyote after he’s gone off the cliff and before he looks down. “Step out of the tiny space of rightness!!!! and be able to say Wow, I Don’t [...]
Katarzyna Potocka