09:30 – london university – Starting the 2nd day of London’s moodlemoot.uk #mootuk11 with keynote by Martin Dougiamas. Unfortunately it’s quite exactly the same keynote as in Elmshorn … on Friday 🙁
Unanswered questions:
– what’s about performance
– what’s about Backup of 1.9 courses
Kind of a cool modularity: Knowledge Café … just talking in groups about given topics like: what should moodlemoot.uk look like next year.
I think this modularity is quite cool, but it should take place at the first day in the morning as a kind of ice breaking time for moodlers.
Now @ the pre-lunch sessions. Quite interesting, some technical
mentions, …
Interesting talk about working with the Moodle HQ by Sam Marshall from The Open University. It was really cool to hear about the process of working with the HQ from the other side!